Well, I'm moving to Kenya!
I have accepted a teaching position at West Nairobi School in Kenya. The position is for middle school social studies, with a two year contract. The school is in a residential suburb, Karen. WNS is a member of NICS, the Network of International Christian Schools. It serves not only missionary kids, but anyone who wants a good, international, Christian education. I am very excited about this decision, and feel like God really wants me there.
So, how did I choose Kenya? Well, God did. I narrowed down my options to here in the Philipines, a school in Senegal, or Kenya. After I was offered positions at all three plus some, my decision got even harder. I think Kenya must have been top on my list (eveyone told me it was!) However, I was seriously contemplating them all. Along with countless, blessed other, my family was on their knees for me. Expecting mixed replies, I asked my family where they thought I should go. It was unanimous, Kenya! I was shocked. Everything was checking out wonderfully for WNS, and my family was agreeing. It was becoming obvious.
Through the process, I was lovingly reminded by my brother and sister to not make the decission harder than it was. God does not make our decission hard, we do. They reminded me of how God led me to the right college, gave me the desire to teach overseas next year, and that He has guided me this far. All I needed to do was accept it! He was making it as clear as could be.
A couple Sundays ago, I heard an interesting sermon about Noah and how God led him. While making the decision, I was reminded of what I had learned. God gave Noah instructions: build an ark, put animals in it, build a door and stalls, etc. However, God did not give Noah all the details: where to put the door, how big should the stalls be, who needs to feed them, etc. This helped me to know that God will give us instructions, but He doesn't give us all the details. How boring would that be! He graciously allows us to make some decisions too!
I also realized that if I am truly trusting Him and seeking His face, my choices will be in His will. My desires are His desires.
After I finally made the decision, I logged into my email account the next morning to send the news. I had several new emails including two from NICS congratulating me on accepting a position! My first thought blamed this strange coincidence on miscommunication, yet as I contemplated the situation I realized it was God. NICS told me how they ring a bell at the home office and everyone stops to pray for the new acceptees. I had been prayed for that morning, which was my night, the night I was making my final decision. I don't know who told them I had accepted, but I know God is blessing this decision. After a tough decision, it was exactly the confirmation I needed. God is so gracious to me, by always giving me confimation of my decisions. Praise the Lord!
So, that was a short version of how I got my job. Now I'll tell you a little more about it! I have to go to training this summer in Mississippi for all new NICS teachers. I have to be in Kenya on July 24th for one week of new teacher orientation, one week of regular orientation, and then I start teaching! I will be living with other single teachers from WNS, and will recieve a small stipend to help cover living expenses. Yes, I will be raising support, but I have not worked out all the details yet. I will keep you updated!
For now, I am happy to know that for the next two years I will be a full-time NICS missionary serving in Nairobi, Kenya!