
job offers!

Guess what? I've had 3 official job offers! woohoo! I am very excited, yet very unsure of where to go. As you might already know, I was asked to come back here to Faith Academy. They do not, however, have a position ready for me. They just want me! So, I do not think I will come back. I would like to go somewhere I can fill a need, not just a want. I also had an offer from a school in Indonesia, which I don't think I will take either. My original outlook of the school was fantastic; I've even heard great things about it! But, my communication with them was not fantastic, and I do not feel any peace about going to that school at all. The third offer, which was actually the official first, is from West Nairobi School in Kenya. I'm really excited about this one. This school is a NICS school; Network of International Christian Schools. While looking up schools, it remained among the top on my list, and was the top on my list of NICS schools. I would have a middle school social studies position, which I am excited about as well. Everything sounds wonderful there, I'm just still praying about it! Please pray with me! If any of you prayer warriors get a word from the Lord, pass it on! I also have another interview Monday for a school in Dakar, Senegal. This school looks good too. SO, lots of decisions to make! And, there's still hundreds of schools out there that need teachers! It's an exciting time!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/19/2010

    go with your hearts desire and your gut! the open door that looks the best is probably the best choice... you have two open doors... pick one and walk through. God wants you to be a Christian school teacher, on a Mission field- those were the BIG life choices... now for the tiny details! just how you knew WHAT to do with your life- you will know WHERE to do it! make the choice and JUMP! (love you)
